Trinity’s Ministries

We are all ministers, serving each other, just as Jesus taught us to in John 13:14.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild serves the church by preparing the Communion Elements, candles, and other worship aids for Trinity’s worship services.


Bible Studies

Look for announcements of Bible Study places and times in the church bulletins and Parish Post.


Called To Care

Trinity’s Called To Care Ministry serves members of the church with specific needs, such as car rides and meals.


Card Ministry

Trinity’s Card Ministry is shared by various organizations and Sunday School classes throughout the year, as they send cards out to our shut-ins and others on the prayer list.


Clothing Bank

Clothing is collected in a box below the back stairs, for the Clothing Bank at the

Lancaster County Council of Churches.  For more information, see the Members’ Info and Trinity’s Missions



Food Bank

Food is collected and packed through the Food Hub for distribution through the 

 Lancaster County Council of Churches.  For more information, see the Members’ Info page or contact the church secretary for help in learning how you can get involved in packing.


Kitchen Committee

Trinity’s devoted kitchen committee serves food for concerts, dinners, and other church functions.



The church library is located in the church basement.  Members are invited to check out books and videos, and to use the resources.


Members’ Info

Look at the

Members’ Info page

to find information from this month’s newsletter, the Parish Post.


Ministry of Music

To find concert information, musical organizations in which you would like to join us to share your musical gifts from God, and to share which hymns are meaningful to you, see the

Ministry of Music page.


Nursery Care

Voluntary Nursery Care is available during the Service of the Word.  For more information see the Nursery Care page.

Pastor’s Message

Find the latest message from our Pastor on the

Pastor’s Message page


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Gather for afternoons of prayer, fellowship and knitting or crocheting.  Prayer shawls provide a great source of comfort for those who are grieving, lonely, diagnosed with a serious illness, a new mother, or someone who has lost hope.  It may be a relative, friend, co-worker, or member of our church who would benefit from a gift of a prayer shawl!  If you know someone who would be comforted with one or are interested in joining in the Prayer Shawl Ministry visit the Prayer Shawl Ministry page.


For current information on this long standing, popular outreach program of Trinity, see the Preschool page.   Find historical information about Trinity’s Preschool on Trinity’s Missions page.


Sunday School

Want to find a class that’s right for you?  Read about the classes Trinity has to offer to all ages on the Sunday School page, as well as other offerings by the Christian Education/Youth Committee

Trinity Bread

Visitors to Trinity receive a loaf of Trinity Bread, as an offering of welcome, sharing, caring, and inviting.  For more information on our Trinity Bread Ministry, visit our Trinity Bread page.  For information on the history of our Trinity Bread Ministry, visit our Trinity’s Missions page.

Trinity’s Missions

Look at

Trinity’s Missions to find historical background on the missions of Trinity.


Trinity Men’s Group

Trinity Men’s Group meets for breakfast at various local restaurants once a month, sponsors a child, and brings speakers to Trinity, for which everyone is invited.



Trinity Women’s Organization (TWO) offers programs for everyone.  Find out about TWO’s programs on the

TWO page



VBS/Rally Day

Join us for Trinity’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)(teen/adult programs as well as the traditional children’s program) and Rally Day. Find information and registration forms on the

VBS/Rally Day page



Visitation Ministry

Members of Trinity take turns visiting our shut-in members and sometimes delivering gifts made by Sunday School or VBS classes.


Youth Ministry

For youth events and leadership, see the

Youth Ministry page , at times maintained by Trinity’s youth.  Trinity’s youth and children learn to join in service by serving as communion elements presenters, acolytes, crucifers, greeters, offering and communion ushers, choir members, instrumentalists, and by presenting Youth Sunday services and other leadership in Sunday School and VBS to children and youth of Trinity who are younger than they are.