Christian Education

Educational Ministry of Trinity

Christian Education Program

     Our mission is to serve as an integral part of Trinity UCC by assuming primary responsibility for the church’s educational ministry.          

     We embrace a nurturing model of spiritual development, ministering to the entire family and seeking opportunities for growth in all ages.  Our worship and educational activities are based on our belief in the Triune God who reveals God’s Self through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and in the historical teachings of the Christian Church.

Trinity UCC’s

Christian Education Goals

    • To increase understanding of the Holy Scriptures and Christianity.
    • To foster Christian love.
    • To foster spirituality and lead persons toward full membership in the church.
    • To spread the Word of God in Christ and encourage active participation in Trinity’s Christian Education Program.
    • To grow as new persons in Christ and share His love and presence in the world.




See some of our other Christian Education programs on the following pages.

Sunday School

VBS and Rally Day

Youth Ministry

March 2025

Youth and adults are invited to join The Wired Word studies with Diane Rice meeting in the Choir Room, or in a study of Adam Hamilton’s  The Call – The Life and Message pf the Apostle Paul led by Pastor Chris, Sue Bowman and others in Isenberg Hall. Paul’s struggle to learn what was expected of him as a person of faith has impacted people the world over. This study invites the participant to hear Paul’s story and his message, to reflect on the meaning of his life. At this time of Lenten introspection, we are invited to look within to discern how to respond to God’s call to become the people we were meant to be.


Looking ahead this month

As part of our study of The Call, Dr. Greg Carey, professor of New Testament at the Lancaster Theological Seminary will be speaking to us via a video message for our class addressing: Paul’s strategy, travel in Paul’s world, life in the towns and cities and the conflicts within them. The social and economic contexts of Paul’s world – wealth, poverty, gender, slavery, and why Paul wrote will also be treated. What of some of the contradictions of the man? And …. as we do not grow by ourselves; who were the spiritual helpers/friends that Paul relied on most?  Who are our helpers? Whom do we help?


photo 3 4 10 13 copyphoto 4 10 13 copyDSC04644GPS Class Represents Storm Using ParachuteGPS Class Jesus Leads Us Safely Through Storms

GPS Class Makes A Loud Storm


GPS Class Jesus Calms The Storm
