Trinity U.C.C.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawls are handmade shawls made in prayer for the person who is to receive them. Some are knitted while others may be crocheted. The traditional prayer shawl is knitted with a simple repeating pattern known as the” Trinity stitch” because it is knitted in multiples of three. (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Did you resolve to learn knitting or crocheting this year? Or do you want to join a friendly group of people to visit, pray, learn with, or just enjoy a cup of tea and an afternoon of fellowship? Then join us on the third Tuesday of each month, during the school year, from 1-3 P.M. in the church basement. Do you know of someone who might be comforted by receiving one of our shawls? It may be a family member, friend or neighbor who may need this comfort after a loss, in times of stress, during an illness and recovery, or during a time of celebration, such as graduation, wedding or baptism. There are endless possibilities!
If you have any questions concerning how we make the shawls or pocket prayer shawls, need yarn, directions, or needles etc. contact Betty Tyndall through the church office. If you’d like to give a shawl to someone contact Betty or Pastor Chris, or fill out a request form located in the vestibule, and place it in the church office.

May God’s Grace be upon this shawl, warming and comforting. May this shawl be a safe haven, a sacred place of security and well-being, sustaining and embracing, in good times as well as difficult ones. May the one who receives this shawl:
Be cradled in Hope,
Kept in Joy,
Graced with Peace,
And wrapped in Love.
Trinity U.C.C. Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Trinity Stitch
Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Knitted Pocket Shawl
Crocheted Pocket Shawl

Pocket prayer shawls provide feelings of comfort, support and closeness to God for the person receiving it. The shawl fits nicely in a pocket or purse and can travel with the recipient. These pocket shawls are for you to share or keep.
This pocket prayer cloth was made especially for you. It is meant to bring you comfort by symbolizing God’s love for you and the prayers of your family and friends for your health and well-being. Please slip it in your purse or pocket, keep it by your bedside, or use it any way you wish that might bring you comfort and peace. When your fingers touch it, remember you are never alone, for God is always with you.
Trinity U.C.C. Prayer Shawl Ministry