Sunday School
Join Us For Sunday School
Sundays At 9:00 AM
Opening Devotions – click on this link to access the Opening Devotions Page for a sampling of what Opening Devotions is like. Join us in the Social Hall at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings during the school year, to start off Sunday School together in song.
Children & Youth Classes
Children’s Class
(Social Hall and Lower Preschool Room)
Multiage Sunday School for children up to age 12. We are excited to announce that the Children’s Class (Preschool to age 12) is using, Spark, which corresponds with the readings of the Revised Common Lectionary used in Trinity’s worship services.
This group will experience storytelling, crafts, and relationships with children of different ages as they create community, sharing time and space each week. All children are invited to attend each Sunday.
Bibles are presented to all children entering Second Grade and any older children who have not received a Bible from Trinity. This is a milestone time when children of this age are learning to remain in worship. Bibles will also be used in Sunday School. If your child missed this service, please speak to Pastor Chris to obtain a Bible.
Youth Class
(Social Hall and Annex to the Kitchen in Isenberg Hall)
This class joins the adult class with break-outs for youth discussion.
Adult Classes
Adult/Youth Bible Class
(Social/Isenberg Hall)
The Bible Class will be starting with studying, Adam Hamilton’s The Call – The Life and Message pf the Apostle Paul led by Pastor Chris, Sue Bowman and others in Isenberg Hall. Paul’s struggle to learn what was expected of him as a person of faith has impacted people the world over. This study invites the participant to hear Paul’s story and his message, to reflect on the meaning of his life. At this time of Lenten introspection, we are invited to look within to discern how to respond to God’s call to become the people we were meant to be.
Wired Word Class
(Choir Room)
The Christian Issues Class will be using The Wired Word, a curriculum that applies the Bible to stories taken from the current week’s news headlines. Discussions will be led by a class member who takes the lesson from the internet available each Thursday. An outline of the current lesson can be emailed to class members.
Photos From Hymn Sing On August 10, 2014
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